Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just a rant.

I think I'd probably have a boyfriend by now if I wasn't so picky.

I can't help it if i have fairly high standards.
I mean if you're going to be in a fucking relationship then you should REALLY be in it & give it your all.
 I don't settle. So what?!
Big deal, I don't see any point in even dating someone I'm not even remotely interested in or attracted to.
Why waste their time & mine.
I learned my lesson,leading someone on doesn't get you anywhere but put in awkward situations on your back patio that you feel obliged to "do things" you wouldn't normally do.. because you feel if you don't things will be 10x as awkward. (and believe me they were) -__-

But no,I will just continue to be the 20 yr old girl who's a virgin & has never had a boyfriend.
Been on a few dates (blind ones & shitty ones at that),kissed a few people,flirted hardcore with guys I'd NEVER in a million years see myself with,&& pictured my picture perfect relationship that I have yet to have.& that concludes my romantic life (or lack of).

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